About Our Organization

Mission Statement
Broad Spectrum Veterinary Student Association’s mission is to connect, support and empower community for LGBT+* students and allies across veterinary education.
*LGBT + will be used as an inclusive acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer,Questioning, Asexual and others who self-identify on the sexual orientation and/or gender expression continuums.

Vision Statement
Broad Spectrum desires greater support and a sense of community for all LGBT+ students and allies throughout veterinary medical education. We actively strive to counter episodes of bigotry and marginalization with positive messages of diversity and inclusion. We have healthy, supportive and encouraging relationships with pre-veterinary, veterinary and graduate students, faculty, staff and administrators. We are known for advocating for the respect and equality of seen and unseen LGBT+ members in the academic veterinary community and beyond. We contribute to the development of safe and welcoming veterinary school environments for pre- and current veterinary students. Broad Spectrum makes veterinary schools more inclusive for all students, especially LGBT+ students. We accomplish this by starting important and courageous conversations about LGBT+ inclusion, in addition to maintaining much needed support for LGBT+ students in veterinary medicine.

Our History

We were founded in 2011 at the SAVMA Symposium hosted by UC Davis. The name 'Broad Spectrum' came out of a calculated attempt to be as inclusive as possible to any student who falls anywhere on the spectra of sexuality, sex, or gender. We welcome all students no matter their sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression. And yes, allies, this means we welcome you, too!

Our Links

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hello all! BSVSA and VOICE will be hosting a social during Iverson Bell Symposium on Friday 3/13. 
The plan is to meet at the Omni Shoreham hotel lobby at 9 pm and walk over as a group!

If you are attending Iverson Bell Symposium this weekend please stop by and mingle!

                         We will cover the first drink and some appetizers (pending availability) ffff you a       re attending Iverson Bell Symposium this week

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Iverson Bell Student Panel Survey

Hi all, I am participating in a student panel about diversity and the veterinary curriculum and I wanted to get your input on the subject. If you have any comments please fill out this quick survey: http://goo.gl/forms/nRKfcx45cc 

 Thanks y'all, Leo 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Diversity Forum at SAVMA Symposium 2015

Going to SAVMA Symposium? 
Join VOICE, LGVMA and BSVSA as they host the Zoetis sponsored Diversity Forum :) 

BSVSA has invited Dr. Jerome Rabow to present an inclusion workshop!

Also, join us Friday night for the awesome social event: eat, drink and dance!
